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Neue Schule Bits NS Bits Turtle Top with Flex 16mm Universal

RRP: -25% Rabatt
2.392,50 kr
RRP: 3.190,00 kr
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Ej specificerat NS Bits Turtle Top with Flex 16mm Universal

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The Universal cheek provides a number of rein options including the option of a curb strap. But whatever option you choose, the flattened underside of the FlexZ cannons with their anatomy-inspired recesses are held parallel to the tongue whatever riding activity you enjoy. This innovation is brilliant for the over-active busy mouth that chomps and chews on the mouthpiece. Turtle Top with Flex keeps the mouthpiece centred and arched over the tongue at all times, safely helping to prevent sideways tongue evasions. This comfortable mouthpiece re-focuses the inattentive mouth back onto the rein aids in order to achieve a soft consistent contact. Delivering mild poll pressure combined with anatomical engineering this bit helps the horse that has difficulty flexing itself and rounding over the bit in order to achieve a true and correct outline as well as providing extra control when needed. Highly recommended for jumping (where you may wish to employ the curb strap) for increased control and directional help. Brilliant for some horses who feel restricted when stretching out and basculing over a fence in a traditional curb bit. Salox Mouthpiece, Stainless Steel Cheeks, Double Jointed 3-Ring Universal.

Produkt-ID: 317566
