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När du rider med en barbackapad av fårskinn får du en mycket naturlig känsla för hästen. Vid sidan av "Macon"-serien av hennes egen kollektion, har F.R.A.® flera designer. Det behöver inte sägas att en barbackapad av fårskinn anpassar sig optimalt till hästens kropp. Egenskaperna hos detta naturmaterial ger flera terapeutiska mervärden. Ullens naturliga struktur är både temperatur- och fuktreglerande. De antibakteriella egenskaperna ger inget odlingsmedium för bakterier. Lamb- och fårskinn är extremt bekvämt för både häst och ryttare, och är elastiskt, andas och med rätt underhåll mycket starkt. I kontakt med frisk syrerik luft är detta material självrengörande. När du rider med barbackapad av får- eller lammskinn får du en extra känsla för hästen som inte kan upplevas med sadel. I allmänhet optimeras den intensiva känslan som skapas mellan ryttare och häst när man använder barbackapaddar av naturligt får- och lammskinn. Closer to your horse the F.R.A.® bareback pads offer a simple and enjoyable solution to ride. Bareback pads are in fact no more than pads in different shapes that are placed on the bare back of your horse. They offer the possibility to have a direct communication with your horse. Your horse will move more freely and with more fun with a bareback pad instead of a treed saddle. Therefore, it can better focus on rider and a real trust between rider and horse will arise. Because each muscle tension and all the movements in the back are tangible, it will be easier to improve the timing and aids on the reins. This will improve your riding skills. F.R.A.® bareback pads are designed for use by experienced riders. The rider must have an independent seat and a good balance. His goal is to optimize his seat and feelings thanks to this pad. For the less experienced rider, the choice whether or not to use a bareback pad depends on his own judgement. The pad can help finding an independent seat and feel the movements of the horse. But since the inexperienced rider generally doesn’t follow all the horse’s movements the help of a more experienced rider or trainer is recommended while using a bareback pad. The consequence of staying behind in the movement of your horse is bouncing on the horse’s back and being afraid of falling off. Bareback pads are the perfect instruments to teach you not to bounce anymore. The total absence of hard materials (like treed saddles) gives the rider better sense because of the close contact with muscles and movements of your horse. More with less; bareback pads and treeless saddles maximize the feeling of flexibility of movement. This feeling helps the learning process to be a pleasant time and takes away all fear of the rider. F.R.A.® has a range of bareback pads in her assortment. Every F.R.A.® pad is provided with an explanation and/or directions for use.
Produkt-ID: 322955
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